Win More Leads with Advanced Insights

Harness the power of TruPresence Insights to fine-tune your strategy online.

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one screen showing the audience data and another screen showing some insights based on that audience

Franchises Who Trust TruPresence

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Lead with Data

Let data lead your strategy to identify your next big win

bar chart growing

Track and Measure Success

Identify what's trending with your users and gain deeper insights into past campaign success to create a repeatable process.

eye icon

Analyze Every Page

Access on-page metrics across your sites at a birds-eye level, and track key assets even more closely to understand which pages need your attention next.

insight icon

Connect and Convert Your Audience

Leverage data to deliver more personalized content based on interests, actions, and demographics.

Key Features

Goal-driven Digital Marketing

Closely watch and analyze campaigns across channels to ensure you're staying on track for your goals.

two windows showing activity performance. one on the top showing marketing activities including total contacts, ave. lead score, and flow conversions. one below is showing line chart.

Actionable Web Analytics

Use TruPresence Insight's robust reporting capabilities to track and measure overall site usage and behavior, demographics, and key assets metrics.

one window showing line chart for traffic and the other window showing two pie charts, one for device type and the other one is for browser

Audience Segmentation

Speak to customers on a more personal level and strengthen connections with insights on user behavior, history, demographic, and so much more.

two windows for audience list and schedule email blast editors with options for choosing timezone, email content type, sending options, and recurrence pattern.

All-in-one Dashboard

Easily monitor your key metrics with your main dashboard including trending pages, user behavior, and goals reached.

showing an image of all-in-one dashboard showing number for audience lists, flows, campaigns, and analysis of recent email campaigns with top audience lists.

Location Finder Discovers Each Location

Put every location on the map with our powerful, and flexible location finder.

Unbound - Navigation Icon

Powerful & Flexible

Put every location at your customers fingertips–whether they  have a physical location or not.

Unbound - Custom Categories Icon

Easily connect to your data

Easily connect to your location data for a user experience that’s always up-to-date and accurate.

Unbound - Laptop Growth Icon

Built-in SEO

Ensure search engines can find you and every location at the top of the search results.

Key Features

Built In or Plugged In

TruPresence provides a sophisticated location finder as a part of our platform, or stand alone within any website, on any software.

Centralized Data

Always have current location data within your location finder with our API connectivity or with built-in location management capabilities.

Built for SEO

The TruPresence location finder is optimized for easy discovery by search engines, maps, and voice assistants.  

For SEO, an effective store locator should be a basic linked set of State, City, and Location pages that any bot or user can easily click around to get to every page. But many brands often build their store locators a locator page with a search box to find your location.

Grow Your Presence Online Today

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